Sunday, November 16, 2008

Health conscience?

Did you know that there are many ways to help build your immune system? Here are some tips I learned:
Pet something fluffy-in doing this it spikes the secretory immunoglobulin A(IgA); which in turn helps protect the body against germs trying to enter it. The brain releases chemicals that help the immune to function.
Relax-whatever helps you wind or whatever. Stress suppresses the circulation of immune cells that inhibit your bod's response to invaders.
Eat Good Bacteria-this helps to prevent or reduce the duration of some gastrointestinal, urogenital, and respiratory illnesses. Eat foods with probiotics(yogurt) or take probiotics.
Protein-"amino acids in protein are the building blocks of the cells in your immune system, and they help create protective white blood cells and antibodies" this is for us ladies especially!

courtesy of Real Simple Mag.

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