Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Okay so thats obvious...of course I pee....but thats not what I mean.(chuckle) Nah, what "I" am talking about is IP config(short for: configuration). This is a process that my cox renews everyday...my computer's "address" so to speak.

The helpful costomer service Male Rep at Cox told me the simple process(of renewing the address) and I must not forget it. So here is where it shall go for future reference.

Steps to IP Config:

  1. click on Start menu

  2. select "Run"

  3. in box type "cmd", hit enter

  4. in box type" Ipconfig", enter

  5. "ipconfig /release" make sure there is a space btwn "ipconig" and " / ".enter

  6. "ipconfig /renew" same as above. enter

  7. DONE

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