Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Diaper go down the hole!"

...As the baby duck would say on Animaniacs. Gotta love that show!

I tell ya I sure wish is was that easy hypothetically to drown the diaper routine and magically Lelu would appear to understand the concept of the toilet. Hmmmm...if only , if only.

Well how does one know its time to train? Heres what Parent's Mag had to say about that.

Watch for these six signs/reasons to start:

  1. your child shows an interest in the potty process. For instance, she follows you into the bathroom or wants to flush.

  2. She tells you when she's about to poo or pee or you can see from her squatting, grunts, or facial expressions that she's about to go.

  3. He wants to be changed after pooping.

  4. She's not constipated.

  5. You have a reasonable amount of time and energy to devote to this intensive, sometimes frustrating process.

  6. There aren't any major events going on in the family, such as a new baby or recent move.

(girls typically are ready to start around 2 1/2 yrs -3.) But I can always start now I mean c'mon, you really think back in clothe days they waited till the kiddo was 3!!! ha ha, cha right! It can be done!

Heres what mama's gotta do now:

  • "Explain the bathroom routine in positive, child friendly terms.

  • Be a role model

  • Pretend that her doll or stuffed friend is using the potty.

  • Practice sitting on it.

3 Techniques that WORK:

  • "your Child sets the pace": Wait for your child to show signs of readiness(18-30+ months) and then slowly introduce the potty. If he's not interested, back off for a few weeks. Don't pressure your child, and offer lots of praise along the way.

  • "Naked and $75": When your child is between 20 - 30 months, hang around the house for about a week let him go naked from the waist down. Have a potty chair nearby at all times. They tend to get uncomfortable feeling of something running down their legs...therefore making him want to use the potty next time. The $75 is for the carpet cleaning bill.

  • "Toilet Train in One Day": There are many takes on this, but here's the general idea: Once your child seems ready just pick a day to give her lots of salty snacks and fluids, so she has to keep going to the bathroom. Frequently sit her on the potty and give her a reward when she has success.

The essentials: Potty chair, step stool, training underpants, easy-up/easy-down clothes, fun underwear, flush able wipes(just easier for everyone involved).

((((((((Experts' tips))))))))))

~"Put a pull-on diaper over her underwear for naps or big public outings. If theres an accident, she'll still feel the wetness and you won't have a puddle to clean up."

~"to make sure your child uses the perfect amount of toilet paper, teach her to count out four squares when it's time to wipe."

Helpful movie to educate in a tasteful and gentle viewing for your toddler:

Go Potty go!Potty learning for tiny toddlers or you can always try to find a better buy here or here.

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