Friday, August 13, 2010

Something to think about...

Practice:  Create Associations

"Memory is formed by associations, so if you want help remembering things, create associations for yourself."

For example:  I was told that the best way to remember a person's name upon yr first aquaintance is to associate their name with some you know or who is well known(or any association for that matter!).
So in my recent case...I just met my neighbor the other day...her name is Peggy Wilson.  I associated her first name to the female character on King of the Hill and "Wilson" to the grumpy old man from Denise the menise. I don't watch nor like King of the Hill but thats the only association I could relate to...and Mr Wilson stuck out b/c I grew up watching that movie as a child.

Use this tatic in any situation...your brain thrives off of associations. Remember that!


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